The monograph “Social-political developments at the Albanians in Macedonia 1990-2001” slings a shine for the newest events of political history that evolved in Macedonia during the period of its ascension as an independent state. This is an effort to write the history over the science basis, for a territorial space where a part of Albanian population pretends to build the future.
The writing that we are talking about, involves events of the last period of thrashing of Socialist Yugoslavia. Territory where the events happened is the south part of Yugoslavia, respectively federal unit called Socialist Republic of Macedonia that internationally was known with the name FYROM. Thus, Macedonia was the most south part of socialist Yugoslavia, with a composition of ethnic variety, where dominant were Slavic and Albanian entity.
The untwine of socialist Yugoslavia was an inevitable process, because that wasn’t a creature of free unification of its constituent people and as such, permanently it kept the natural potential for dissolution. Demagogic propaganda of Yugoslavian communists for “fraternity-unity” of peoples, achieved to carry on this state as far as J. B. Tito was alive. However, after his death, in the stage emerged Serbian rampant nationalism, under the leading of warfare boost circuits in the head with Slobodan Milosevic, with what it was accelerated the decomposition of socialist Yugoslavia.
During the process of dissolution of socialist Yugoslavia, Macedonia as its(Yugoslavian) federal unit, strove to become independent and to be formed as sovereign state. But, Macedonian politic factor didn’t wish to separate the state sovereignty with Albanian population that lived centuries sequentially in its ethnic territories. Macedonian political factor, tried to impose the concept of national Macedonian state to the Albanian population, an attempt that will encounter to the permanent objection of Albanians, a thing that piecemeal brought to the recycling of the crisis, firstly controlled one that in year 2001 burst to patent, armed conflict.
With untwine of socialist Yugoslavia as a state, the agreement of its population resoluted in the time of World War II, broke up. Hereby, occurred national issues of populations that lived inside it. Consequently, occurred even the national issue of the Albanians that lived in Yugoslavia. Watching from this corner, in stage occurred two risky tendencies for national issue of the Albanians of Yugoslavia. One, was the effort of Serbian circuits to establish the ethnocentric state of Serbia, conquering Kosova, whereas the second issue was the attempt of Macedonian circuits (similar to those of Serbians), for establishing the national state, bypassing Albanians which by the constitute of 1974 were constitutive unit of Socialist Republic of Macedonia.
With ingoing of political pluralism in Macedonia, in stage occurred different political forces both Macedonian and Albanian. Thus, since the fall of communism dictatorship, Albanians of Macedonia for the first time could articulate their national interests through political organization.
As long as kosovar political forces refused every kind of participation in political-social life dictated by Serbia, in Macedonia Albanian political forces admitted cooperation, accepting foundation of the new state in Balkan without any guaranty for the national Albanian interests. Hereby, it must be reminded that Albanian-Macedonian relations had a heavy baggage, inherited from the ex-system. Discrimination opposite to the Albanian population and especially repression against Albanian intelligence, even though scarce, was so cool. Therefore, between two populations existed a deep distrust. Emersion in stage of political pluralism extracted in square full climate of hatred created decades sequentially between Macedonians and Albanians. Political pluralism, didn’t improve position of Albanians, but it hampered it more through a cunning forms of ignorance of equality of Albanians in the system. Ethnic Macedonian majority, not having sense for democratic processes in just now established state, everything decided through the system of over-voting with what juridical-constitutional rights of Albanians in Macedonia were mortified.
Albanian political factor without a clear vision for the future of Albanians of Macedonia, oscillated between the cooperation with the new system and time to time attempted for another political choices. This inflicted vagueness even to the international factor.
By the time passing, to the Albanian political forces happened political reforms that pulled to the stage new political powers. New political powers gave a hope to the Albanians for a right solution of the Albanian issue in just established state. Unfortunately, a lot of political processes already were over.
During those times, the most grave issue in former Yugoslavia, the Bosnian issue, was going to be solved. In the row was resolution of the issue of Kosova. New political forces at Albanians of Macedonia, for once were faced with two great national affairs, one was Kosova as a primary question and the other was the concern of Albanians of Macedonia. Around the first affair were mobilized all intellectual, political and human powers and it was given the maximum that could be done of political activity of the Albanians of Macedonia. The result was evident and undeniable. Whilst, the solution of issue of the Albanians of Macedonia, in just now established state, even though as a process was on the development, meanwhile it were born new military-political powers who preferred immediate resolution through revolutionary way. This effort of solution of question of the Albanians of Macedonia and the repression induced by Macedonian militarist circuits caused the armed interethnic war. With the burst of armed conflict in FYROM, initially it was attained an agreement between Albanians and subsequently between two confronted sides, Albanians and Macedonians. This agreement is known as Framework Agreement of Ohrid. In achieving this agreement between Macedonians and Albanians of Macedonia, a specific merit has International Community, firstly USA, European Union and NATO.
The Agreement of Ohrid amended the political mistakes of Macedonian factor that were made ten years ago. That agreement set up the equality of Albanians in the system-Constitution.
Characteristic of the Agreement of Ohrid is that Macedonians renounced from exclusive rights over the state of Macedonia, accepting the fact that Albanians are constituent too of the new state in Balkan. On the other side, Albanians according to the Agreement of Ohrid renounced from the National Unity. But, this vision can be achieved from the time of setting up the equivalence of the Albanians in state system of Republic of Macedonia.